First Approved Verifier:
- As of January 2, 2025, Carbon Mapper is officially the first approved verifier for the Super Emitter Program.
- Oil and Gas Alternative Test Methods | US EPA
New Data Tool Available:
- The Methane Super Emitter Data Explorer is now live as of January 17, 2025!
- Methane Super Emitter Data Explorer | ECHO | US EPA
Affected Facilities:
- Includes OOOO Facilities (OOOO, OOOOa, OOOOb) with fugitive methane emissions exceeding 100 kg/hr (~5 mcf/hr).
- Initiate investigation within 5 days of notice from EPA
- Report results within 15 days of notice from EPA
- Set up process to review all maintenance activities, control devices, fugitive emission surveys, any continuous monitoring
- Set up process to perform OGI Inspection
- Report emissions from source in GHG Subpart W Report
- Have ability to quantify emissions (start/end/ volume/pressure)
Annual Report
- Start date of event
- Duration of event in hours
- Facility identification
- DUE 8/5/2025 (and annually thereafter)
Emissions must be included in annual GHG Subpart W Reporting
- Due March 31st