Clients often need alternative remediation options in remote areas without a power source. A solar powered soil vapor extraction is a perfect option for the southwest in porous and the right lithologic conditions.
Eddy County, New Mexico
Project Characteristics:
Ensolum personnel installed a trailer mounted, solar powered soil vapor extraction (SVE) system to remove petroleum hydrocarbon impacts at depths ranging from 15 ft to 60 ft below ground surface. Ensolum personnel will continue to oversee operations and maintenance to ensure optimal performance. Additionally, our team ensures compliance with conditions of approval by the New Mexico Oil Conservation Division (NMOCD). Our technicians will collect air samples to monitor results and calculate the volume of petroleum hydrocarbons removed via air emissions. Ensolum will also oversee the reporting to NMOCD throughout the lifecycle of the project.
The system is anticipated to operate for the next 1 to 2 years. Ensolum designed the SVE system to maximize available runtime by initiating the SVE pump as soon as there is sunlight using a variable speed motor controller. Furthermore, system operation data and any alarms are available to view anytime via cellular telemetry. The system is also expected to relocate to other viable SVE sites once cleanup goals are achieved, as the solar panels have a 25-year warranty. Powered by sunlight and mounted on a trailer, the SVE system provides remediation flexibility to remote sites without electrical power. Ultimately, the minimal amount of required maintenance and telemetry allow for reduced site visits and a lower overall operational cost.
Visit our Past Projects Page to learn more about Ensolum’s previous projects.

Photo 1: Solar Powered SVE system mounted on a trailer

Photo 2: Ensolum was able to save on costs by using lay flat piping in an area of little to no truck traffic.

Phone 3: Installation of the SVE system