Ensolum teamed with Shiels Engineering and Austin Gilbane Joint Venture to support construction activities associated with the development of the new Mickey Leland International Terminal project at IAH, in Houston, Texas. The MLIT project is part of a major capital improvement initiative known as the IAH Terminal Redevelopment Program (ITRP). The construction site is the former location of the old Terminal C North (OCN) at IAH. Future construction of the Mickey Leland International Terminal will consist of a new Terminal D-West Pier with six new gates, a new sterile corridor, and the upgrade of 12 existing gates in the North Concourse, requiring the existing “Old” Terminal C to be demolished. The airport currently serves more than 70 international and national destinations. The new terminal will consist of 780,000 square feet.
Industrial Hygiene
Ensolum provided asbestos consulting services and abatement oversight prior to the demolition of Old Terminal C. The project consisted of removing floor tile and mastic, pipe mastic, mirror mastic, roof mastic, and universal waste throughout the building prior to the demolitions of Terminal C. As a part of the services provided, Ensolum prepared project specifications, assisted with soliciting bids from asbestos abatement contractors, and provided air monitoring and project management throughout the abatement process. Ensolum performed visual inspections of the abated areas prior to performing final air clearance activities.
Petroleum Storage Tank Removal
Ensolum supervised the removal and disposal of two underground petroleum storage tanks (PSTs) located airside and proximal to the old Terminal C footprint. One 10,000-gallon PST and one 20,000-gallon PST, 317 tons of soil and concrete, and 300 gallons of tanks rinsate were disposed of in accordance with state and federal guidelines. A Release Determination Report was prepared and the TCEQ provided concurrence that no further action was required.
Hazardous Material Management
Previous environmental investigations indicated the presence of hazardous materials and chemicals of concern (COCs) in the subsurface that may be encountered during invasive construction activities. Ensolum utilized the Contaminated Material Management Plan to provide a framework for the management of contaminated media encountered during construction activities. Ensolum personnel identified the various types of contaminated media, provided guidance for the management and disposal of contaminated media, and provided Subject Matter Expert level assistance to the construction team and stakeholder group.