Client: New Mexico Oil Conservation Division
Project: Dual Phase Extraction System Design, Installation, Operations, and Maintenance
Project Characteristics:
- Dual-Phase Extraction
- Baildown and Slug Testing
- Regulatory Compliance
Project Detail:
Ensolum staff detected the presence of light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL). A dual-phase extraction
(DPE) pilot test was performed to determine whether DPE was a viable technology for remediating both
vadose zone and dissolved-phase impacts while simultaneously recovering LNAPL.
Pilot test data, including vapor flow rates, applied vacuum, observed vacuum, and laboratory analytical
results from vapor samples collected during testing, were used to calculate the radius of influence (ROI)
and mass removal rate. Baildown and slug testing was performed to evaluate LNAPL transmissivity and
recoverability. Favorable results from both tests indicated that DPE was a feasible and effective remedial
option for the site.
A summary report outlining test results and recommendations was prepared and submitted to the New
Mexico Oil Conservation Division (NMOCD). Following regulatory approval, Ensolum’s engineers and
geologists designed the DPE system and sent the design and RFP documentation to fabricators to obtain
construction bids.
Ensolum oversaw all aspects of DPE system construction and performed final system tie-ins and initial
system startup. Field staff perform bimonthly operations and maintenance (O&M) to evaluate performance,
make adjustments as necessary, and perform routine maintenance work. O&M data is evaluated
after each site visit to determine whether modifications to system operation are required to maximize
efficiency. Quarterly summary reports are submitted to the NMOCD outlining system operational parameters,
mass removal and emissions calculations, and recommendations for future operation.
The DPE system is recovering approximately 75 pounds per day of hydrocarbon mass through the vapor
phase, in addition to LNAPL recovery. Over 2 tons of vapor phase mass and approximately 40,000 gallons
of combined LNAPL and impacted groundwater have been recovered in two months of operation.