Why did the customer contact us?
Ensolum, LLC provided environmental due diligence consulting services prior to the purchase of two (2) commercial/industrial parcels.
The parcels formally served as heavy industrial and commercial sites. Additionally, multiple leases and sub-leases were historically recorded with numerous indications of use.
Solutions provided:
The project consisted of completing one (1) ASTM E1527-13 and AAI-compliant Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, a Limited Site Investigation, Remediation and Site Closure.
Ensolum identified Recognized Environmental Conditions during the completion of the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment. A Limited Site Investigation (Phase II ESA) was completed which included advancing borings on-site, collecting representative soil samples, and interpreting the data in comparison with State of Hawaii Tier I EALs. Sample results indicated that petroleum and lead-contaminated soils were present. Ensolum reported the release, submitted a Corrective Action Work Plan to regulators for review and approval and remediated the affected area by excavating and disposing of the soil under the supervision of the State of Hawaii Department of Health.

Commercial Environmental Conditions Testing

Commercial Environmental Testing

environmental due diligence consulting services